Episode 147: Eva Vennari | Founder, The Elevate Institute

Mar 28, 2022

The core root of depression is that you’re not living in this place of intuition where you feel connected, and you feel a sense of purpose.”


Eva Vennari is the founder and CEO of The Elevate Institute, a cutting-edge health coaching firm specializing in empowering driven professionals to take charge of their body and their health. She is the Creator of REVEAL Optimal Health Intensive that lets you understand exactly what your body needs to heal and rejuvenate so you can continue bringing your vision to the world. Through coaching and retreat experiences one can create lasting shifts for a higher quality of life that far outlast the time invested.


She is on a mission to dismantle the status quo of the sickness industry. Having spent most of her adult life suffering from all kinds of conditions and fighting for her sanity, she decided to take matters into her own hands. That’s when everything shifted and her body went from being the enemy to being her best and most devoted ally and partner. Eva now teaches worldwide how highly driven professionals can take charge of their wellbeing and thrive in their lives.


Follow Eva on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube.


Learn more about The Elevate Institute at TheElevateInstitute.com.


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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Juliet Hahn: It's better when it does. Hello, everyone. Welcome to your next stop. You know, I'm Juliet Han and I say it every single time, but I am always excited for my guest because I love bringing you guys into a different world. And this is definitely.

[00:00:13] different. And Eva, the Neri, I said that, right? No so-so but NARI.

[00:00:20] Ah, I'm the worst. 

[00:00:21] Eva Vennari: there. You got it.

[00:00:22] Juliet Hahn: Vannara Bernard. We laugh. We both dyslexic. It's Binnari um, Eva, Panari welcome to your next step. 

[00:00:29] Eva Vennari: Thank you glad to be there. 

[00:00:31] Juliet Hahn: So even I were just,

[00:00:32] con we were having a conversation. Cause my guests know, I don't like to look anything up. Like I don't, I like to know a little bit about my.

[00:00:39] gas, but not too much because I love the, you know, the organic conversation. So even I were just talking behind before I recorded, because I could not figure out where we, we connected. and I know, I love to tell the listeners like a little bit, if it was LinkedIn, if it was on a social media, you know, where, where it was. So we connected, we had to look on Facebook and it was because we had friends in common and you must have commented on something. And then I friend requested you. And then.

[00:01:04] we started talking because I was going to California.

[00:01:07] So I had all these questions for her. And, um, and, and then all of a sudden I was like, you need to be on the podcast when she started telling me what, what she does. So welcome Eva. 

[00:01:18] Eva Vennari: Yes.

[00:01:19] Juliet Hahn: Yes. So I would love for you just to, you know, what I, what we do here for, uh, you know, your next stop is really it's about how you followed a passion and turned it into a business.

[00:01:32] But I like to go back kind of like your upbringing where you kind of grew up. If you went to university and then kind of diving into where you were and then how you made that pivot to what you're doing. 

[00:01:45] Eva Vennari: Yeah, there's, there's a, there's a big story there for 

[00:01:48] Juliet Hahn: I love it. Yeah. Tell us, 

[00:01:51] Eva Vennari: Yeah. Where should we, where should we start? Um, I 

[00:01:55] Juliet Hahn: So yeah, I 

[00:01:56] Eva Vennari: yeah. Let's dive in. Well, I remember as a kid, um, I was always the one showing up at the band-aids somebody got hurt on the playground or on the street and I'm like, oh, I'll go get the bandaid.

[00:02:07] Right. And it never occurred to me, you know, going into nursing, being a doctor. That was interesting. But I didn't, I didn't go that way. If you ever taken one, I mean, we all did. We took those, um, those assessment tests. What should you be as an 

[00:02:21] Juliet Hahn: Seventh 

[00:02:21] Eva Vennari: do you want to be when you grow up? Right. Yeah.

[00:02:24] So mine came back with this laundry list. I think most people end up with, uh, you know, top five or something. And I had, um, a ridiculous amount of options from astronaut astrologer. That's the, A's all the way down. You know, I was like, well, I, I can pick and choose whatever I want. Um, and that, that then there was the day of career to career day.

[00:02:47] Guy who looked like a used car salesman. And he might have been at some point, but he was an entrepreneur. And he said, you know, I made this decision to change up my career every 10 years. And I just, I had that little little idea in my head. I said, I kind of like. And I like that. And that's, that's what I've done.

[00:03:10] So I did go to college. I went to commercial art school and I decided it was high school with ashtrays. I really didn't like it. So I went to the school of hard knocks instead. And you know, it didn't, it didn't, didn't complete it into, in a four year degree. It did kind of like I graduated top of my class in high school so I could have tested out.

[00:03:32] To be plain about it. And I had so many interests that I didn't really 

[00:03:36] Juliet Hahn: No, I love 

[00:03:37] Eva Vennari: of what, and I, yeah. And so I kept asking like, what, asking, who am I asking? I'm asking the universe, like, what am I supposed to be doing? What is my calling? What is this deal? And I just kept getting this answer back, do what you want, whatever makes you happy, whatever gets you, the money that you need to deliver.

[00:03:55] As long as you're not hurting other people or yourself. And I went well, that's, that's still doesn't that doesn't shrink the list. And so, but it left me at least the freedom and the idea was when you're needed, because I had this idea that I was going to be part of some sort of calling and I would have a purpose.

[00:04:13] And that just when you're needed, we will tap you on the shoulder and you'll want. And that's, that's pretty much it. So for the first 36 years of my life, I was always, well, what can I do now? You know, kind of like on the playground, looking around for friends who wants to play

[00:04:29] Juliet Hahn: Right, right. But I have to pause you for a second because one of the things,

[00:04:32] and this comes up all the time in this podcast, which I absolutely love. I get, like the excited feeling is that you had that one moment of the career day and the man saying he was an entrepreneur when he wanted to change his career every 10 years.

[00:04:47] And that's stuck out inside your head. So what I tell the listeners all the time is. You have to think back to your story because our stories, all, you know, are what really kind of catapult us into our life. But if you can think back and you think of one little moment, because someone else, that moment might've meant nothing.

[00:05:07] They might've heard it in one ear and out the other, because that wasn't their path, right. That wasn't their path. So they didn't it.

[00:05:15] didn't stick with them. And time and time again on this podcast, people come on and they have that one moment. And it's so interesting because I love how that stuck in your brain.

[00:05:24] And you were like, okay, career day, I laugh about that. Cause that, you know, a lot of people come up with what teacher, firemen, policemen, um, you know. engineer. I mean, there's So many different things that it's like. I think when I did it, I was like, I don't want to be any of those things. Like that's that's, you know, I know, I know what I'm good at, but, huh, that's interesting.

[00:05:44] So tell us

[00:05:45] okay. So when you said bike for the 36 years, you kind of were looking at, I believe, I mean, that's one of the things that when we were talking over Facebook is that we were real, both like, yes, like we, you know, my listeners know, I believe in that we all have a. That, whether it's God or the universe, we all.

[00:06:02] have a purpose and we have a path.

[00:06:04] I, I particularly believe in God and the universe, I believe in both, but if we don't allow ourselves to daydream or we don't allow ourselves to think outside the box, we're never going to find it. So take us through a little bit in that 36 years when you said, okay, what, what were some of the things that you did and, and what did you get out of? 

[00:06:24] Eva Vennari: well, it's kind of funny. I have always known, I was a little bit different in this way. I'm highly sensitive person. I guide myself with intuition and one of, one of the things that. Was alarming to me was my parent. Neither one of them were that way. And my dad went and said to me, Eva never followed your gut.

[00:06:48] It lies to you. And I went, 

[00:06:50] Juliet Hahn: oh, 

[00:06:51] Eva Vennari: but I know, right. That's a weird piece of advice. And that just means that he lived through. Knowledge and logic and it's all up here. And for me, and for most people, if you don't connect to your heart and decide what you like and what you don't you sift through. And you're, if you're a creator, if you're believing universal law and especially a lot of the times, That's not gonna work for you to be up here.

[00:07:12] You're going to create a life of a lot of drama, a lot of chaos. And I found that I listening to my parents and this is no disrespect. It was just, I actually was respecting them by listening to them. At that time, I found myself in a lot of drama, a lot of chaos and a lot of things where I was like, I don't feel happy.

[00:07:31] I really don't want to be here. Right. That that's kind of what it boiled down to. And I think that's the core root of a lot of depression is that. Not living in this place of, um, intuition where I feel connected. And I feel like I have a purpose, even if you don't know what that purpose is. It's good to know that it's out there waiting for you.

[00:07:48] And that's what happened. So as soon as I questioned this whole idea of, I shouldn't listen to my gut and I go, Hmm, maybe I should. It's kind of like a person who I eventually developed milk sensitivity, and my mom said, oh, drink your milk, milk. It wasn't good for me. And so I had to stop drinking that, you know, th that's very physically down to like what you put into your mouth matters and then what you put into your brain and what you think about and how you think also matters.

[00:08:17] So all, all of that said, I started to question and I found myself in places where people were finding me and saying, you know what I see in you, even here, you're a technical, intuitive, you're really good at computers. And so my first year, Um, and well, first year from first years, what I should say for 10 years was an information technology because somebody said you're really good with troubleshooting and computers and talking to people off the ledge from throwing out their computer onto the window.

[00:08:47] Like, this is, this was my first, first career because someone noticed something in me and I showed up and I didn't, I was me, I just do my thing. And I was noticed, and that's what has propelled me from every change, every career change. So. Same thing happened when I moved from the I T world, the tech world into stone.

[00:09:10] So I was in stone for 16 years. It overlapped some of my entrepreneurship, but, um, that was another career span of working in something you don't at five years old go, I think I want to sell natural stone to architects and designers, but you don't think that so.

[00:09:27] Juliet Hahn: Right. No. Right. So how did, how did you go from the computers to stone? Can you tell us a little bit about that? 

[00:09:34] Eva Vennari: well, it was, there was helped along by the universe for sure. Do you remember 2000 when the it bubble burst? 

[00:09:41] Juliet Hahn: Yes. 

[00:09:42] Eva Vennari: Yeah, there was many, many 

[00:09:45] Juliet Hahn: I do 

[00:09:46] Eva Vennari: that. Yeah. But there, there was a time when, um, the it market was overwhelmed with the.com industries and a lot of people thought they were in.

[00:09:57] But they were only building websites. That's all they were doing. And it's just not the same thing as being a technical person. And so you had a lot of individuals that flooded the market and not a lot because of the.com industry went completely flat. So people started their startups, they brought up a.com.

[00:10:11] They decided I'm going to be a business person. And then they were all high paid because they were well-funded. But then, uh, the business failed because they weren't business people. You know, the bottom fell out underneath it. And the entire industry was flooded with individuals. Uh, and I was one of those who lost, lost my job in that it, um, what do you, what do you want to call it?

[00:10:33] Like we're companies where we're buying up each other. And so I was duplicated and they let me go. And I went, you know what? I think now's a really good time for a change. And it was. A easy path, right? In my hometown where I was raising my girls or young adults, I was raising them on my own and I needed something local.

[00:10:57] I needed something that was regular. That was nine to five. That was easy for me to get to it. Wasn't overwhelming in my day. And it was the great indoors. I don't know if you remember the great indoors and then the home Depot expo stores that opened up during the big housing boom. And I followed that path.

[00:11:12] And so I, I became. Again, showed up for the interview and somebody looked at me and goes, you're not a salesperson you're kind of management. You, do you know anything about stone said, no. Well, we're going to put you in the countertops division. Okay. 

[00:11:31] Juliet Hahn: Okay, 

[00:11:32] Eva Vennari: so they taught me everything I needed to know about performance and countertops.

[00:11:37] And then that went into learning fabrication and I became a fabricator for awhile. And then from a fabricator to an architectural rep. If you had an architect sitting at his desk going, you know what? I want to build a stadium. I'm going to call Eva and find out what is the best tile and stone to put on my buildings.

[00:11:52] And that's what I did for six, for 16 years. And it was a lot of fun and a lot of hard work. And a lot of hay even knows which I liked that I liked the being the person that knew the answer. So anyway, that's what I did for quite a long time. But it burnt me out because it wasn't what I was supposed to be doing, but it was something that gave me, it was, it was something to do in the meantime.

[00:12:14] How's that? 

[00:12:15] Juliet Hahn: Yes. Well, this is what I say to everyone, because I don't like when people are like, oh, well I wasted all that time in that path. No you didn't because you learn skillsets, you learn skillsets that actually. Catapult you into the path that you're supposed to be in. If you continue to listen and you continue to grow and you continue to take steps to that dream that you keep having.

[00:12:35] And that's why I talk about it time and time again to my listeners is that you need to create that daydreaming space and daydreaming is good. It is good to think how I want my. What do I want my life look at? Don't think about money. Don't think about location. How do I want to live my life? And if you continue to do that and daydream, and I tell, you know, they know it's when I walk my boxers, it's when I walk, my dogs is when I daydream.

[00:12:57] And I think all these different things and all of the paths that I had, you know, when I was in advertising, when I, where I went to college, you know, staying home with my kids and then doing stuff in the health and fitness world, and then doing what I'm doing. All of those things actually gave me the skill sets to do what I'm doing now and make it even catapulting it even further into the, into what I'm supposed to be doing.

[00:13:19] And so the opportunities just keep opening up. And so I know you're like so excited about this because we really believe in that like we have in our hearts, I follow my gut. If it doesn't feel good, I question it. Why doesn't it feel good? Is it something that shouldn't happen now or is it something that should never, ever happen? 

[00:13:34] Eva Vennari: Yeah, well, that was, that was a really, you brought up a really good point because I never left behind my it world to go into the stone world. So I was one of the few people who understood. And going into the stone world, especially the fabricator, they weren't keeping track of scrap. They weren't, there was no database.

[00:13:49] There was no reference to where did this lab come from and what lot number is it? And does it match this piece that I broke over here at the house? Oh my God, I've got to find more material. So I brought to the whole stone world and people knew me all over the San Fernando valley. Hey, call Eva. She has all the data on this stuff.

[00:14:07] And so, yeah, so the it world came with me and the same thing when it comes to the store, I noticed that little bit of energetic pulse in me was building. And so as I was working with architects and this. Guess what I was doing, I was teaching them how to use stone and the energies in stone to solve problems for their homeowners and for the workplace environment.

[00:14:29] What can, what can calm a person look can help with dreaming, what can help with, you know, depression. So what can help with digestion? So all of these things were now part of a new way of looking at stone. And I brought that to the industry. Nobody else can claim that I did that.

[00:14:46] Juliet Hahn: I love that. I love that. 

[00:14:49] Eva Vennari: Yeah. So you never leave anything behind really. And it's all used, it's all recycled. It's all part of you. So why leave it behind? And then all of that work in information technology as I started my own business, which is a whole another story, but, um, I now call my, my. Practice, uh, is the reveal optimal health intensive program.

[00:15:10] But what comes with that is something called the health desk support. That's me being an aid available for things like healing reactions, and it's, it's, it's that same concept of what you have for your computer help desk. When you have a problem, you call. So all of that is use all of that information, all of that history, all of that, uh, structure around how to automate messages.

[00:15:35] I am forever grateful for the amount of technical savviness that I've gleaned over the years. And now I can put into practice and I take it all for granted. I really do, but, but it's, it's really, it's helped so much and leveraging my time and my business.

[00:15:52] Juliet Hahn: Yeah. And I, so I wanted to go back to like one of the first things that you said. And so this is what I also, you know, talk to my listeners about is about the importance of stories. and and, and being able to tell your own story. so,

[00:16:04] if everyone's listening, they'll hear that when you first started, you said you were the person that always went and got the band-aid and you always wanted to fix and help things.

[00:16:12] And so take us to why that part of your story is important to what you're doing now in your business. 

[00:16:19] Eva Vennari: yeah, I'm now a holistic health practitioner. And while holistic, we can roll that off the tongue. People only think about that in terms of it's a little bit nebulous. And oftentimes what I do is boil down into, um, body mind, spirit, which is like nails on a chalkboard. To me it's holistic, it's true holistic healing.

[00:16:38] If the body physically getting it completely supported, taking all the guesswork out of supplementation stopped the supplement roulette. And so. There was a history. So what I do now is, is that was heal the body first, get out of the way so that as you heal emotional wounds, you can then have this mental space to think through your problems and process old wounds, and then get in touch with your spiritual sense.

[00:17:07] Download that be a part of the world, bring your gifts in because if you're not doing. Well, you're neglecting the rest of us and dammit, I want, I want it. I don't want all of it. So my job is to help people get in touch with who they are and it starts with the 

[00:17:23] Juliet Hahn: And when did you start that, that part of that business? 

[00:17:26] Eva Vennari: well, because remember I said, uh, in the middle of doing the stonework, I mean, burnt out.

[00:17:32] So going from stone job to stone job, just trying to push through that efforting of God, 2006 to eight. And, um, you had as a person in that industry, you were working three times as hard to make the same money. You were just a few years ago. And a lot of people burnt out. A lot of people lost their energetic soul and you'd see these people with dead eyes and whatever they could.

[00:17:57] It's five times in the, in the Starbucks line to get through the day and then coffee at night party hearts. I mean wine at night, but, um, this was not a path for me. I discovered my body couldn't handle more stimulation. It couldn't handle more, much more because I was a sensitive, so my body started to give out and I ended up with 30 different symptoms and diagnosed.

[00:18:19] Uh, doctors that turn their back on me and said, sorry, if you won't take the medications, we can't help you. We think it's all in your head. Anyways. Good luck. Um, that a lot of times I heard the story of we've taken your blood results test and the results says you're all within normal range. There's a whole where you could do a podcast just on what's what's within normal range, but I became very obsessed with my own health.

[00:18:44] Like why can't I work? What's chronic fatigue. That meant I was sleeping 17 hours a day. And I was unproductive. I was trying to raise my two girls that wasn't happening very well either. So there's a lot of things that, um, started to break down in my life. And the one thing that propelled me was.

[00:19:03] Sticktuitiveness the stubbornness that there must be something, I must be an answer that's not related to drugs. And so since I was blessed with insomnia at three o'clock in the morning, I put in a search string into Google with all of the different symptoms and diagnoses that I had. And I came across these really vague article about.

[00:19:21] If you're minerally, imbalanced and toxic, you're going to feel like this and your body. And it was describing my body. It was describing my experience and I went, oh, that's me. And then that's how I found out about mineral balancing, which is what I do now, just as the beginning. Um, and then. Propelled me to get better over a short period of time, not just 50% better.

[00:19:44] Like when you go on a diet and you feel a little bit better, and then we come off the diet, you feel worse than you did before you started. Right? So this would get me all the way through the, I feel a lot better. I look better. I'm thinking clearer. I'm able to have conversation with people because there was a time when I couldn't, um, it started to reverse all of the symptoms that were holding me back from being productive.

[00:20:04] And then. I decided, well, I'm going to become a practitioner because I want to save money. Not because I want to save the world and bring a band-aid. You know, this was, this was just my personal thing. I was very focused on feeling better. Um, about six months in, I get a phone call from my ex husband. Now he's passed away and this was two weeks before he passed away.

[00:20:25] We're on the phone and he's complaining to me and he's like, I don't know what's going on. Doctors have me all these problems. I have chronic. And I says, Hey, I just became a practitioner that send me some of your hair. We'll figure this out. And you're like, what's the hair about, that's another long story.

[00:20:39] But really hair analysis is the basis for everything that I do. So when it comes to his health, he's like, none of us don't worry about it. My doctors have me, I'm on medication. I'm fine. And two weeks later he passed away of a massive heart attack because his body was just so depleted. And I found out he was on 17 minutes.

[00:20:56] So this process of 

[00:20:59] Juliet Hahn: Oh my gosh. 

[00:21:00] Eva Vennari: that conversation, going through the discovery of his home and clearing it out and looking at what he was living in, how many supplements, not supplements, how many medications he was on. It was the light bulb moment. That was the tap on the shoulder. We're ready for you now, even this is what you need to be doing.

[00:21:20] This is what you need to be showing people how to do is live a life in a little bit more intense. And whatever that means to them, meet them where they are, and then help them find their way that's now what I do. And it doesn't seem to matter at what level it can be a spiritual healing that comes into practice.

[00:21:35] It could be an emotional body healing. It could, but it all starts with the physical, physical body. 

[00:21:42] Juliet Hahn: Right. And I love that cause you Know,

[00:21:44] I it's, you know, holistics is very, very top of mind and my family and myself, I mean, I use a homeopath. I have four. Oh at my daughter's 12. So I've been doing it for 13 years and it is so fascinating because people will ask me Like

[00:22:01] oh, well, what does this, what does that?

[00:22:02] And I don't know that much about it, even though it fascinates me, but I do know when, like I need to kind of work on things because I am very intuitive as well. Like I'm very in tuned to my body. It is, I always have been like, you know, my parents would say I would come in and say my heart skipped a beat.

[00:22:19] And they were like, I think you're okay. But like I could, you know, find out like when I . Um, and when I still ovulate, I want to get a twinge and every decade the twinge would move. Now I don't get the twins of so much. And I, I know it's because it's starting to be at the end, but it's so interesting when you are very in tune to your own body, what you can like, what you can discover and what you can experience.

[00:22:41] So I love that you did that, and I'm so Sorry.

[00:22:42] about your ex-husband because that must have been, um, hard, but then also when you get the tap on the shoulder, you were like, okay, This is, this is, this is my path. This is what I'm meant to be doing. And the fact that you can be out there helping people with something that you've actually experienced yourself, right?

[00:22:59] So you healed yourself. So now you can take that healing of yourself and turn it into help helping others and into a business. And that's what I also want my listeners to hear is that if you have worked on yourself and you have changed something, You can turn that into a business. You just have to be really smart about it and think about it.

[00:23:19] But that's like such an important thing because you saw a need, but then because of your experience, people can really relate to you. Yes. You're like, yes, that's how I felt. And this is what I did. And, and, and here are let's experiment with a couple of different things. So I love that. Tell us where people can find you, 

[00:23:34] Eva Vennari: Oh best way is on the worldwide web. Go to the elevate institute.com. Don't forget the, the, in the beginnings of the elevate Institute, I'll smash together. One word.com. And on there, you can find all kinds of resources, podcasts that I've been on podcasts that I host as well as, um, articles. And then there's freedom on the front page.

[00:23:56] There's a free. And I offer you a Chinese face reading where you can take a selfie, take the makeup off. Don't be scared. Do a selfie, send it off to me. My eyes will go on your picture and be able to reveal to you. If you have any serious things going on with your heart, your kidneys, your liver, your circulatory system.

[00:24:17] It's all right there on your face.

[00:24:20] Juliet Hahn: I love that. Oh, well, I'm gonna, you know, I'm gonna be sending my, my picture, my, my husband's picture. Um, I love this because I think it's So you know, these kinds of things, um, really just inspire me because I love being connected with people that have. Skillsets and have followed passions and their stories.

[00:24:37] Stories are what connects us. I mean, I am so fascinated and I know when we talked on Facebook, I just wanted to know a little bit, cause I was like, okay, what you're doing is amazing. And I truly believe in all of the world that you're in. And so I would love to learn a little bit more. I knew I was going to have you on the podcast.

[00:24:53] So it's really fun. For me to be able to offer my listeners like here, This is another example of someone that followed a passion and turned it into a business and it's different than every other.

[00:25:03] podcast I have. So you have to really listen to your heart. You have to listen to your gut. You have to listen to the universe, to God in those times where you're daydreaming, and then you need to be aware and be present and watch what's going on around you, who is being put in front of you.

[00:25:18] Who are you talking to? All of those things as, and you know, some people I know, you know, Listeners that are like realists. They, that this is a little hokey. It's not just let that, let that thought in your mind, go away and just give it a chance for a month. Just really try and see what differences you see in your life.

[00:25:36] See if you start living better, if you start feeling better, if you know the negativity is out of your life, I really, really want, uh, the listeners and anyone, you know, in the world to do that because it's such an amazing feeling when you realize you're in. The path, the purpose that you're meant to be in it's so freaking cool to kind of feel, you know, feel it. 

[00:25:58] Eva Vennari: Yeah, it is. And I don't have a need to change my careers anymore. Now I just open a new division. I'm like, oh, I think I'll go ahead and become a manufacturer. So now I make near infrared saunas, you know, that are shipped all over the world, but then the affiliate program and all kinds of things. So you don't have to change careers.

[00:26:16] You just can be creative as your own boss to decide. I think it's like. Deciding one day at, well, I'm gonna wake up today and be something different. You can just under the same umbrella company name.

[00:26:30] That's 

[00:26:30] Juliet Hahn: right. And that's where, and that's where the pivot And that's where it's, it's really cool. As, as you said, to kind of like, if you, all of a sudden are like, oh wait, I'm learning this. It's not like you have to change everything because there's people out there that are like, oh, you go from here to here and here.

[00:26:43] And for them, it's more of a straight path, but there's people that, that need to do that zigzag. And so, uh, so I love that. So shout out again where

[00:26:51] people can find you Eva. And, Um,

[00:26:53] and so, cause I know if people are driving and they're like, oh, I can't get it. This is all going to be in the show notes. Don't you wear it? But shout out one more 

[00:27:00] Eva Vennari: yeah, it's going to [email protected]. Just think about it. I want to elevate myself because that's what we're all about here at the elevate Institute.

[00:27:11] Juliet Hahn: I love that Now again, you guys might be listening to this, this podcast and think, oh, this doesn't have anything to do with me. I already have a holistic prac practitioner or I um, you know, I just, I don't, I don't love that. but there's someone in your life that needs Eva and you are not aware of it right now.

[00:27:30] Whether it's your neighbor, whether it's your sister, whether it's your mom, dad, cousin, aunt, uncle, there's someone in your life that right now.

[00:27:37] is going through something. why not.

[00:27:39] say to them, Hey, I just listened to a podcast. You have to listen to it too, because. This actually can help you. So what I want you guys to do is share this with three friends, tell those three friends to share it with their three friends, because Eva is making a difference out there.

[00:27:53] She is making a difference in the life, and it's because of an experience that she had in her own world. And now she's able to take that and help other people. so Eva, thank you so much.

[00:28:02] for joining your next stop. And, um, I so appreciate having you on and love your love, your story. I know we're going to be connected for a long 

[00:28:08] Eva Vennari: Yeah, my pleasure. Thanks for having me really appreciate it. Okay. 

[00:28:11] Juliet Hahn: Of course, you guys know what to do. Like subscribe, listen, share

[00:28:16] rate, review, do all that stuff. Because again, someone in your world needs to hear Eva story, whether it's

[00:28:22] because they're stuck in life or they actually need her services, the story is going to inspire someone. So don't forget to share and send rate and review, and we will see you guys next week with another amazing episode of your next stop.

[00:28:36] Someone that has followed a passion and turned it into a business. Thanks again.

My focus is entirely on helping you follow your passion, even when you feel like you've got stuck in crazy town. There is a way out, its me helping you. You don't have to ditch everything in your life that is making you feel overwhelmed and stuck, you just need some help to navigate it.


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