Your Next Stop Live with Jason Feifer
Nov 10, 2022Listen to a new episode of Your Next Stop Live recorded live on Fireside, featuring guest Jason Feifer. Jason Feifer is the editor in chief of Entrepreneur magazine, author of the book Build For Tomorrow, a startup advisor, and host of the podcasts Build For Tomorrow (yes, same name as the book) and Problem Solvers. LinkedIn named him a “Top Voice in Entrepreneurship” for 2022. Prior to Entrepreneur, Jason has worked as an editor at Men’s Health, Fast Company, Maxim, and Boston magazine, and has written about business and technology for the Washington Post, Slate, New York magazine, and others.
You can find Jason on social media @heyfeifer, and check out his website.
Remarkable Quotes
“We're constantly being exposed to new things, new ideas and it may not feel useful or satisfying in the moment, but if we hold on to them and see what their purpose is, we might find out years later that it's actually the greatest thing we've ever learned.”
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- Fireside: Juliet Hahn
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Juliet Hahn 00:00:04
we'll be starting to show in one minute, hey, Jason. I'll bring you up shortly.
Alright, Jason. I'm inviting you to video
Welcome everyone to another y and live. Your next stop. If you haven't noticed, my live shows are now
Jason Feifer 00:02:54
Juliet Hahn 00:02:56
your next to stop, which is really fun. My y live or the Nfl series,
turning my video on,
And I know we have people that are joining shortly. Hey, Jason. How are you?
Jason Feifer 00:03:11
Well, how are you?
Juliet Hahn 00:03:12
I'm good. And we are streaming right now to Facebook, Linkedin, Youtube and Twitch. Hey, everyone on Linkedin, We gotta a ton of people over there,
which is really fun. This is why I love Fireside
because if people are not joining in the room, there actually are people there are you can't see them, and they're all actually sending the messages on Linkedin right now, which is really fun.
Jason Feifer 00:03:34
That's great. I love that.
Juliet Hahn 00:03:34
Yes, which is this is why I love this
this platform because it really makes it easy for people to kinda click in if they're not, you know, a part of
Jason Feifer 00:03:41
Juliet Hahn 00:03:44
of Fireside. So I wanna get right into this because I know
Jason Feifer 00:03:47
Let me ask you a question.
Because this language look backwards or forwards to you?
Juliet Hahn 00:03:49
It looks forward.
Jason Feifer 00:03:53
It looks forward. Oh, that's it's interesting. That's cool. So it shows me that you both. Great. Love it.
Juliet Hahn 00:03:55
Yeah. It says bill smart. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's that's one of things. Hey, everyone. Daniel and Dan Yell.
This is Jason Cipher. He is the chief editor in chief entrepreneur magazine book bill to tomorrow podcast built for tomorrow. And the thing that's exciting is, Jason, we met
way back when on club, like, long long time ago. And it was right. When you rebranded, I was actually going through a branding, which was really fun, but I wanna get into because I know you don't have a lot of time. And so I so appreciate, you know, everyone here. Your next stop appreciates
Jason Feifer 00:04:18
Oh, yes.
Juliet Hahn 00:04:32
you joining in and coming and talk to us. So one of the things that that I love about what you do is
especially even with the magazine and the book and the podcast. It's about stories. I'm all about stories. I think that's how people connect is through storytelling. I think that's how we all actually...
Jason Feifer 00:04:44
Juliet Hahn 00:04:50
You you like something a little bit more or you don't like someone and more or you get a little bit more curious about what people are doing and I love that with your book, and really your podcast,
you combine, You bind to really stories and exercises to help people build for tomorrow. To kind of get... If they're in a stuck spot or in a, you know, in some transition,
you really help them, make it faster. So I would love for you to kinda dive in and talk about what you're doing, and then I wanna get into the details of, you know, why you created the book and everything. So...
Jason Feifer 00:05:20
Oh, sure.
Juliet Hahn 00:05:21
Jason Feifer 00:05:22
Well, thanks. I. I really appreciate that. I
so I'm hi, everybody. Right? The book that that Julius referencing is right here how built for tomorrow. It is a a book about how to be more adaptable in your career, how to... If if you are facing any kind of change in your life or you're career right now, this book was designed to help you get through that and find new opportunity.
You know, you had asked how I'm you know, I'm doing that. I feel i feel like there probably a million directions that I could go, but...
But I'll I'll tell you something that I think about a lot
when I'm when I'm writing
when I'm producing anything and utilizing story, is that I always think about
you a quick writing tip for for for those
I think about writing as bricks and mortar. It's the way I think about it. And this is what that means. So the it's kind of metaphor that I used to to struck any kind of story in the way in which presenting information is that I think of things as brick is immortal. So brick is is a is is a fact.
Juliet Hahn 00:06:05
Jason Feifer 00:06:20
So if I'm interviewing Jimmy Falon for magazine, for example,
then when I'm writing the story,
anything that is about Jimmy, something that we totally recently something that's happening in Jimmy life. Like that's that's a brick. Right? And then the mortar is what I'm laying between the bricks that I have control over. And what I'm using the order for is to kind of
Juliet Hahn 00:06:34
Jason Feifer 00:06:41
construct a narrative and make sure that every brick is gonna feel like it's building towards something that's relevant for the reader because my way of thinking is that nobody cares
about anything that I'm writing about. What they care about is themselves. And they should... That's what you should care about. If I'm writing about jimmy Falon, you don't care about jimmy be found, but you do care about what you can learn from Jimmy found that you can use yourself. Similarly, if i you're reading this book and I go into a story about the history of the automobile, which I do, you're, you know, you're reading that and you're thinking how is this relevant to me? I don't care about the history of, but I do care about how this is gonna be a lesson for me. So I have to make sure that constantly
Juliet Hahn 00:06:57
Jason Feifer 00:07:19
I'm making sure that I'm turning back to the reader and I'm saying, here's how this day is contributing to this larger idea. That is what I do throughout every single thing that I do, so whether it's building a pod with a podcast or or the book or a magazine order to go, you can see that what I'm doing is every couple paragraphs of stopping, and I'm basically turning to the reader, not enough over way, which it seems too obvious or repetitive. But rather just making sure that I'm constantly constantly signaling relevant and making sure that I'm translating
anything that's happening. Back to a takeaway or value for the reader. That way, I'm communicating in stories, which is what people are gonna remember, but I'm doing it in a way in which it's always gonna be meaningful. Because that's ultimately the reason they're gonna come back.
Juliet Hahn 00:08:02
I love that. I love that so much. And so I'm also very curious of
Is that something that you learn to do? Or do you think you were kinda just built that way?
Jason Feifer 00:08:12
Oh no. It's totally I learned you do.
But, you know, the the funny thing
if funny thing about learning is that you often learn a skill and you discover a better
application for the skill later.
So that's a skill that I learned in one way another at men's health. So I I... I was an editor men's health
I got there in two thousand and eight, and I was there till two thousand and ten or eleven or something. And I gotta say I I hated that's style of writing when I was at men's health because men's health was teaching me how to be what's called service journalism. So that would mean that I would find a study, and that I would tell you how it's relevant to you, and then I would find a video, whatever a tip that I'd pull out of somebody. And I found it to be kind of grading and boring, but what I really now that I look back on and, I realized is that I just wasn't connecting with the material.
But as I as I was doing that and not connecting with them a cereal. I was absorbing a skill set about how to take information and turn towards the reader and be relevant with them. So then later on, when I got to entrepreneur, and I really connected with this audience, and I was excited to to share the things that I was learning from great entrepreneurs with an audience.
Juliet Hahn 00:09:00
Jason Feifer 00:09:19
I started to figure out how to marry this old skill set that I had and I didn't really like with this new mission that I did like, and then I came up with my own version of it so that I could wrap my head around it, which was the bricks and mortar thing. But I think, you know, we're always constantly
being exposed to new skills and new ideas, and they may not feel useful or satisfying in the moment. But if we can kinda hold on to them and see what their purpose is with my five eight years later, that it's actually the greatest thing we've ever learned.
Juliet Hahn 00:09:47
And I... That... I I mean, I talk about that on the podcast all the time because people will say, well, I think I went down the wrong path, and I'm, like, minute and you never go... And am my personal opinion you never really go down the wrong path because you learn things in each part of your life. You know, you really really do. And if you can then take those things,
Jason Feifer 00:09:53
Juliet Hahn 00:10:04
and build on them. Right? And then that's when you kind of can be more successful if you're think, okay, well, what did I learn in this situation? What did they learn in this issue? And how can I make them come together?
Jason Feifer 00:10:13
Juliet Hahn 00:10:13
To really become what when I'm meant to. So can you take us back a little bit about when you started the podcast?
And what would... You know, what was the reason behind that?
Jason Feifer 00:10:23
Oh, sure. So I started this podcast that was called... It it it wasn't called bill for tomorrow at the time It was called something else. It's called Pessimism Archive, and
for reasons I can explain if you care. But I... You know, I really I started it because I have this belief. And the belief is what I call work your next job. So you can find this. So just use this as opportunity hold the book up again. So you can find this in this book. It's go bill for tomorrow. And
my idea is this. Look, I I say that in front of you right now in front of me in front of everybody who's watching on all the different platforms that you've just listed,
there are two sets of opportunities. There's opportunity set a, and there's opportunity set b opportunities set a is everything that's asked of you so you go to work. You have a boss that boss demands things of you. You're gonna be evaluated by those things. That opportunity set a.
Opportunities set b is everything that's available to you. That nobody's asking you to do. So that can be at work where you take on a new responsibility you join a new team. It could also be outside of work where, for example,
you like listening to podcaster and you decide to start a podcast, which is exactly what I did. Now the reason I did that and the reason I go through this whole spiel right now. Is to say that I think opportunities set b,
which is to save the stuff that nobody's asking you to do, but that is simply available to you.
Juliet Hahn 00:11:39
Jason Feifer 00:11:39
That is always more important. Infinitely more important because if you only focus on opportunity say, hey, you're only qualified to do the things you're already doing. But if you go to opportunities have, that's where growth happens, and it's gonna happen in an unpredictable way. So you are going to learn some new skill or develop some some new idea, and it's not gonna seem useful or it's not gonna pay off immediately, but it ten years down the line. So I started this podcast in twenty sixteen on a because I love listening to podcaster, and I wanted to understand it better. I wanna understand the storytelling telling about it. I wanna understand how record on a microphone. I didn't know what the point of it was. I didn't know what I was gonna get out of it. But what I found was that after building a show and sticking with it for years, I developed a significant audience.
Frankly, it doesn't make me that much money. I mean, go sort the meaningless amount of money to be honest with you, but what does do is it's an opportunity magnet.
Right? Being... It brings people to me. People find it and they come to me, and then I can build partnerships or relationships.
And then number two, it's an it's an Ip factory. It forces me to talk to interesting people about interesting things to develop really interesting insight And then I use those in all sorts two ways, like, the... Like, this book, which came out of the podcast, but also speaking and so much more. So
that's why I think it's really important to pursue those opportunities these. That's I did the podcast.
Juliet Hahn 00:12:56
Right. And I love that. And I think it was really fun because that's when we. I was in a branding phase with my podcast, and you... I believe you would just rebranded, And I remember listening to your podcast and really enjoying how you... I mean, tell the story, but then also bring, you know, history back into things. And... It's really a really great podcast because you really give a lot of information, but very entertaining. The way.
Jason Feifer 00:13:13
Thank you.
It's called for anyone who's interested, it's all the same same same title is the book built for tomorrow, the.
Juliet Hahn 00:13:19
Jason Feifer 00:13:21
Juliet Hahn 00:13:21
And you you can find if you see this, this will also be in all the show notes, but you can see the little scroll here. You can find Jason on his website. Or on
Jason Feifer 00:13:27
Juliet Hahn 00:13:29
Instagram, and you can try get that stuff. But I loved when you... Originally. And if you can tell that in a short way because I did find that that's what connected me to you. Really? I was like, wait. I wanna know more about this guy because I loved that story about the original name of the podcast, and then when you were asking you friends and your friends were like, you know... I'm not gonna look... I'm not listening because that that seems like it's a negative thing. So if you can share that a little bit,
Jason Feifer 00:13:37
Oh, Thanks.
Yeah. Sure. So the original name of the show was called pes
archive. Now I didn't go over that name myself that was a there was a popular Twitter feed still is not gonna tutor called Pessimism archive. And and I had partnered with the guy who made that, and we made a podcast extension of it. So I ran the podcast, and he ran the twitter feed, And the idea was to understand pes of the past and archive of pessimism to what people why did people say that the bicep it was a terrible thing? Why did people say that the novel was gonna was gonna daylight minds? Is why do people how a... There was a national moral crisis over the teddy in nineteen Oh seven. Why was that? Some questions. And
but what I found number in is is I I hired a consultancy
called pending consulting to help me grow the show and
the audience side research right the time is name is Michelle Z and done some she she went in Doug and kind of contacted my audience.
Get a lot of interviews with them. And trying to understand what it is that they like about the show, what don't they like about the show, etcetera, etcetera? And then came back to me with some incredible insights that I didn't have because I will tell you no matter how much you think you know, your audience or your customer, you don't
and it's just incredibly valuable for you to make sure that you understand that because that's where we're gonna unlock lots of growth by really understanding them, and then and then reacted to taking seriously and making some really hard decisions. So in my case, we're sharing back to me with a couple valuable, like, incredibly valuable pieces of information. Number one, she said that
the name of the show was a massive turn off to people. That people because it has a word pessimism, and if people didn't understand the idea of an archive of pes, they just saw customers, and they're were like, well, I'm an opt. I don't think that this show is for me. And even if they got over that hump because it's very, is a very optimistic show.
Even if you got over that hump,
and the reason it's to optimistic Should say is because, generally, we're, like, am... I'm trying to understand what what people got wrong in the past or what do we miss under stand about right now, and then how can we use that to have on a smarter solution to our most misunderstood problem? So it is it in know it's a forward thinking show. People were seeing as pessimistic. If they got over it, they were having problems convincing friends to listen to the show because the friends would say, testament,
so that was the problem number one problem number two was that they were
people said or it's actually not a problem necessarily, but people said to Rochelle,
the number one reason why they listen is because the show helps them feel more
resilient about the future. And that was interesting because I thought at the time. I was making a kind of esoteric history podcast.
Juliet Hahn 00:16:21
Jason Feifer 00:16:25
But what I learned was that people were actually engaging with it and using it in their own way for their own, you know, sense of self and and and and we'll what they wanted to achieve. And that gave me this incredible insight because I thought well, if that's something that they're getting as a byproduct of the show, what would happen is I really lean into that? And and make sure that I'm being as relevant as possible to the things that people are feeling right now. So that gave me the... That it gave me the freedom to shift the nature of the show a bit can keep some of the history and the quirky of the old version of the show. But then transform it. And what I found as a result was, it did turn off that change did turn off some of the old fans, but it it... It unlocked access to a lot more new fans. And, you know, sometimes you have to sacrifice
the relationship you have with some of your early
consumers for what, you know, read recall and call your scale consumer, make sure that you... You know, you're really making sure that you're reaching the kind of people back in scale rather than this tiny little niche that just happens to like you for what you used to do. So it was a it was a challenging decision, but one that ultimately really worked out and I can't say enough about audience insights research.
Juliet Hahn 00:17:32
Which is awesome. And I think that was one of the reasons why I actually rebranded as well because of the insight that you gave on on. I when... It was one, you know, club house was
Big, and that's where we were. So I think that's so interesting. And I think it's really. It it it's an important thing for people to hear. There's a lot of podcaster in the audience right now. Hey, everyone. I see people come forming in here.
Jason Feifer 00:17:43
Juliet Hahn 00:17:53
It is an important thing to think about because you're right. We we kind of assume this is what my audience looks like. And we get a little bit of data into the podcast world, but not really in depth data.
Jason Feifer 00:18:01
Juliet Hahn 00:18:02
So when you were... You know, when the the podcast change and you started building it a little bit more, was there always an idea for a book or was it something that you always wanna to do or, you know, can you tell us a little bit about how... And I know you touched on that, But, like, really, what was like... Yep. Now And now my next step is is kinda doing a buck.
Jason Feifer 00:18:21
You know, it's funny. I
I've been
involved in the kind of
building the personal brand you know trying to understand how I can level up in terms of kind of all the things that you can
Juliet Hahn 00:18:30
Jason Feifer 00:18:35
you can you can build out of a personal brand right, like, speaking and such of media opportunities,
And as I talked to smart people over the years, everyone always told me the first step is a book. Like, you you just have to do a bottle. And so that had been on my roadmap map, but, honestly, I always he's been afraid of the commitment because it's a it's just a lot of work. And I also wasn't in entirely sure what my book was. I I had centered around this idea of understanding change,
Juliet Hahn 00:18:46
Jason Feifer 00:19:00
but my podcaster also delve deep into history, and I wasn't how to marry all that together. And
and, again, like I said, I just kinda kept pushing it off because I'm so busy and I what am I gonna have time to do this? And then, you know what it was. It was
it was the pandemic the pandemic,
everybody started going through the same exact change.
Everybody had no idea what to do. And my agent called me up in April of twenty twenty, And he said, you know, we've been talking for a long time about doing the book about change
now is the time.
And he was right. You know, Like, you cannot
Juliet Hahn 00:19:33
Jason Feifer 00:19:34
cannot create a better opportunity than that. I mean, not to say, pandemic was an opportunity, but for you know, many people in any ways, it was. And
Juliet Hahn 00:19:39
Jason Feifer 00:19:41
and so I
I really started to buckle down and think about what this
project was. And what did I have to say that was unique to it? You know, I really believe that if you want to participate in the ecosystem of ideas, that what you need, what I like to call oo
Ip, which is to say that you need
even if you're engaging in a space
that's very well covered. Right? I mean, like, the world of change management is is is I'm I'm not inventing that. They don't have that's that's a lot of people do that. So the question is why me? Why pay attention to me? What why do I have something to say? And the answer is own Ip. The answer is what is the story that you tell? What is the perspective that you tell that is distinct from what other people have? So even if ultimately, let's be honest, you're driving towards a lot of the same lessons because it's it's impossible to reinvent something like change management. The question is what unique viewpoint do you have? So that let's say, is somebody looking at ten speakers about change management to bring into their executive retreat, they're not gonna just pick one because they can talk about change management right because everybody can talk about change management. So the question really is what sets you apart? What is the story that you tell? What is the way in which you bring some unique vision so that people say, oh I want somebody be to tell that story to my right like that big idea. So I I worked for the better part of a year with a with a, you know, working on a proposal to figure out exactly what that was for me.
And it came out of my these insights that I had and the stories that I was telling and trying to figure out how they all kind of came together. And
and then once I sold the proposal,
to penguin with Random house.
I had to figure out how do I do a giant project like this? I couldn't take months off from Magazine to do it. So here's how I did it. And, you know, I suggest if for anybody who's looking to take on a big challenge, do the same,
break it up into a
billion mini challenges instead. So what I did is I devoted the first
Juliet Hahn 00:21:38
Jason Feifer 00:21:41
hour of every day for nine months. To writing the book.
That's how I wrote this thing. The course hour of every day. And, you know what? I would reach a stopping point about an hour in. I I have written a a a part of a chapter, and I would say my brain has is done, like a a complete thought, and it's time to move on to something else. Don't sit there all day, like, trying to bang something out. You will not have it. You got, like, a good hour in you for creation anyway. So that's what I did. And that way, it never felt or not they're overly difficult to manage.
Juliet Hahn 00:21:47
So smart.
Yeah. And I love. I mean, because... And just so people that don't know you have a young family, you know, you there's a lot of adventures
Jason Feifer 00:22:16
Juliet Hahn 00:22:18
this like, Following you, you got a lot of adventures traveling,
Jason Feifer 00:22:19
Juliet Hahn 00:22:22
you know, sometimes traveling with the family not on purpose. Did you have a move in there too?
Was there a move? I know That was
Jason Feifer 00:22:27
Yeah. Well we were relocated during the pandemic to Colorado for.
Juliet Hahn 00:22:30
Right. Right. So there was a lot of things that you were juggling
and to do it and one of the... One of my favorite things that you all so say, is about everyone has the same amount of hours in the day.
And if you have a week to do something, you're gonna take a week to do some thing If you have a day to do something, you're gonna take that day to do something. And sometimes that day is all you really need. Sometimes you don't need a week. So I love that you broke it up in that because I think that also is really relatable
Jason Feifer 00:22:42
Juliet Hahn 00:22:57
to my listeners because of the fact, sometimes things get overwhelming. You have an idea, but it's too overwhelming and breaking it up in little pieces. So can you tell us in other parts because I know we have
Jason Feifer 00:23:05
Juliet Hahn 00:23:08
about six more minutes. Some of the one of the exercises that you have in the book that really
is... And I don't wanna say favorite, because I'm sure there's a lot of things. But one of the things that sticks out in your mind that, you know, the book that people can really look forward to.
Jason Feifer 00:23:22
Oh, yeah. Sure. So we'll, so go with the time thing, You know, what you're just describing there is called Parkinson's concerns loss of Parkinson's law states that work expands to feel the time available.
Juliet Hahn 00:23:28
Jason Feifer 00:23:33
So if you have whatever amount of fine you have to do a project. That's how long it's gonna take. So there is a inverse relationship between time and effort. The less time that less time you have available to more you put in, the more time you have the less effort you put in. So once you can really... Once you start to recognize that, you can realize that you can actually maximize your time by taking on more things.
Which sounds crazy, but I... But just how I live.
Juliet Hahn 00:23:57
Jason Feifer 00:23:57
So well, what of i i'll give you one of my one of my kind of simple favorite sizes which is from the book here, which is
which is
these three questions that I often ask
whenever I'm going through some kind of transition, and and it helps me make my big first career change. And that was to ask these three these three questions. Right? What do I have?
What do I need? What's available? It's a really nice way to break down
where you are and where you wanna go because what I I I used it when I was a newspaper reporter, a tiny newspaper, first first job, and I really I wanted to work in
big ways. I had all these ambitions. I didn't know how to get there. I asked myself. I mean, I didn't have these questions quite like that, But now I look back and, this is what I was doing i know what do I have? Right? I have this job and allows me to write for a newspaper, but it's a tiny newspaper. I'm not really reaching anybody. What do I need? But i needed to learn from people who are gonna help me develop much faster than learning right now. My colleagues are inexperienced. I'm not gonna gain enough knowledge from them.
Juliet Hahn 00:24:41
Jason Feifer 00:25:01
And and I don't have access to
the, you know, editors of the washington Post in the New York Times or whatever So who's gonna teach me then also, I wanna be able to prove myself on a higher level. That's what I need. What's available? That's the... That's the hardest one because what we will often do is we'll think what's available in a year, what's available to fancy land? What's available,
Juliet Hahn 00:25:21
Jason Feifer 00:25:22
and, you know, if only if only if if if but that doesn't work. What we need is what's available right now. Like, what literally? What can you do today? What literally are you is available to you right now, you can grab,
And in my case, the answer was I realized freelancing.
I can say in this job with tiny paper, but I don't think it's gonna get me anywhere.
Or I could quit, and I can try to freelance because in the world of media, you can come up with an individual idea for an article. And you can pitch that to an editor
if they like it, they'll contract with you for a single article.
And, you know, the Washington post wasn't gonna hire me, but it turns out that after quitting my job and sitting in my bedroom for nine months.
Paying, you know, I was... I was in a dump apartment in Central Massachusetts with three friends. Pay five hundred dollars of month and rent. So I, you know, there was some runway here. And
I got a piece of the washington post and then a second one and then a piece of the associated press in the boss to globe, And this is what ultimately helped to build by career. It was by focusing on what's available and then taking the answer to that seriously.
Juliet Hahn 00:26:21
I love that. That is huge. I hope you guys wrote that down. And if you didn't it. And if you're driving, please don't stop or crash or try to do it. With this will all be available. This is gonna be, you know, sent out, but not only that, it will be available on Fireside, literally, in the next ten minutes after this was over, and then it will go out on your next stop. So we'll got on every podcast player.
Jason Feifer 00:26:28
Juliet Hahn 00:26:40
So Chris and the audience
what did you say? He said Jason's website is top notch. It really is. You guys can go over there and and find some stuff. You can find the the podcast, which again, is really entertaining. I mean, I i enjoy history. I think I even shared it with my my teenage boys who love history, and they really got into it. I mean, they're like, this is really cool. Because you have a a different angle. You really... Like, tell a different angle. You have a very great way of telling stories, and it's not
Jason Feifer 00:27:01
Juliet Hahn 00:27:08
it's more of a magazine kind of way. I guess, is it... That's correct, Like, more of an editorial kind of way, which is is which is cool. So, and then you guys find his his book there as well and some tips and other things and show the book again build for tomorrow.
Jason Feifer 00:27:10
Yeah. You know.
Okay. Also, this is available. You know, it's funny I hear here's a fun. I'll I will use this as a pitch to you all, but I'll also tell you why I'm doing this pitch like this. So I will tell you that it is available in all formats except for Stone tablet so
hard covers,
ebook and audio book. And it's very interesting. The reason
why I stress that is because I I was having lunch with my editor at penguin with Random house
a couple weeks after the book launched, and
he he told he's like, you know, the we think that your audience is gonna be actually primarily an audio audience, and people don't
Juliet Hahn 00:27:53
Jason Feifer 00:27:55
assume that just because of book has available in hard cover that it is available in audio, so you should say it, and it was read really interesting because I've I've noticed that I've noticed that, and I don't say it. Nice people will hear me on a podcast and they'll dm me and ask if it's available in audio. Which seems so ridiculous because you could just go look it off, like, why are you dealing me? But but they do entire respond, but also, that when I do verbal and I say audio, I see people picking it up because then they then they tell me. So it's really interesting. But, don't assume that people assume anything or that they know something be incredibly explicit. So that's why I am telling you it's available an audio as well. But also, in this way.
Juliet Hahn 00:28:03
So important.
And I love that. And it's really important because there are books out there that I know we're not in an audio because it does take... I mean, it it's another effort. You have to be reading the whole book. It's another whole kind of venture to create an audio.
Jason Feifer 00:28:37
Oh, I I was in a studio for three days straight. Yeah. Three nine straight, nine to four Pm. Yeah. Three days. Yeah.
Juliet Hahn 00:28:44
Right. And i'm not a lot of people think about that. They think, oh, And so there's our authors that don't do it. Maybe they don't like the way they sound reading themselves or maybe they don't have anyone that will read it. So it is important, but... And I'd love that because I have to say so I'm just reflex, so I do everything audio. You know? But then I also know my my audience
Jason Feifer 00:28:54
Oh, good.
Juliet Hahn 00:29:03
a lot of busy moms, and so they are doing it, you know, when they're driving or or doing laundry or, you know, walking the dog or whatever it is. So it is you know, And then there's other people that are, like, nope I need that hard copy,
Jason Feifer 00:29:06
Juliet Hahn 00:29:17
you know, in in my hands. So I love that you said that. So you guys go follow.
Jason Feifer 00:29:20
Yeah. Love that. Well.
Busy moms
everywhere bills for tomorrow audio. There it is.
Juliet Hahn 00:29:27
And and disney it guys, you know, I'm not cutting you out because there's a lot of... A lot of visit in my husband listens to audio, and it's funny because I I think I turned him on audio because I've always listened because of my dislikes have always listens because that's how I learned. That's I you know, I I'm I'm smart when I listen, when I have to read something, it takes you a little bit longer to kinda comprehend a little slower. So when I listen to it, it's like, boom. It goes right in, and I comprehend it, which is very interesting because a of the times, people don't realize that they think dyslexia, you can't really read. You can read it's just and some... Some struggle with that, but you... It's just the way you process it. So sometimes you don't process as much. And as clear as when you are listening to it. So I love that Jason I first, thank you for coming to your next stop and here live on Fireside. I so appreciate you taking the time. And another thing is that's really fun is that you were all over the billboards and Times square. Can you... You have one minute. Can you tell us what that experience was like?
Jason Feifer 00:29:29
Yeah good, everybody.
Oh, yeah. Sure. One minute. Yes. I was on the Nasdaq billboard award in Times square. It was Awesome.
The... Here's the dirty secret for when you see photos of people who do that, You actually only get five minutes on the on the billboard But but five minutes is enough for photo that everyone's gonna drew over on social media, and then, you most people just take a photo in front of it when they when they get that
I decided. I would take the photo, and then I would spend the remainder of my time running around, filming in myself trying to get people at high five me it was... In front of the thing, and it was so funny because
when I expected was either someone high five or someone being super skeptical and not wanting to engage because, you know, it's New York, and I get it. What I didn't expect was option number three, which is people wanting to chat So people would say, oh, what's the book about? Oh, who are you? Right? And I was like, I only I don't have a much time like I have to keep high five and people. So anyway, you can find. I made a video of it. It's all my instagram. So I they'll find it. anyway, This is been a lot of fun. Thanks so much for having me.
Juliet Hahn 00:31:15
Yeah. Thank you. And that's it, Hey, Bye. I wanna bring the music up. Thank you again, Jason, is always a pleasure. This is the second time I got you on Fireside. I'm have to say, clap my hands. I know you have to run everyone. Thank you for joining. Your next stop, and you'll get to the replay of jason five Definitely go check out build for tomorrow. Also, as podcast, You will really really enjoy it. Thank you again, Jason.
Jason Feifer 00:31:25
Juliet Hahn 00:31:38
Thank you everyone that joy if you're here on Linkedin, Youtube,
switch, Facebook, or you're live here or you listening to the replay. Go grab bills for tomorrow. Remember it's an audio. It's also in hard form, and you can do it at. Thanks again, Jason.
Jason Feifer 00:31:52
Juliet Hahn 00:31:52
Bye, everyone.
My focus is entirely on helping you follow your passion, even when you feel like you've got stuck in crazy town. There is a way out, its me helping you. You don't have to ditch everything in your life that is making you feel overwhelmed and stuck, you just need some help to navigate it.