S2E24: Recapping an Incredibly Successful Dyslexia Charity Golf Event

word blindness Sep 26, 2024

If you're feeling overwhelmed by the challenges of dyslexia and dyspraxia, despite your best efforts to navigate them, then you are not alone! The struggle to find effective support and understanding can be exhausting for families and educators. But there's hope! Let's explore some strategies and solutions together.

In this episode, you will be able to:

  • Understand Dyslexia: Learn how to support and advocate for individuals with dyslexia.
  • Organize Successful Charity Golf Events: Discover how to plan and execute impactful fundraising events.
  • Impact of Dyslexia: Explore the effects of dyslexia on families and gain insights into effective coping strategies.
  • Embrace the 5D’s: Embrace dyspraxia and promote inclusion for individuals with diverse neurological traits.
  • Advocate for Dyslexia Education: Learn effective strategies for raising awareness and advocating for dyslexia education.


Welcome back to warm blindness. How are you today? Oh, we're gonna go with that opening. I love it. So we see.

We have punchy Brent here. So, yes, this is word blindness. Dyslexia exposed. I'm Juliett Hahn, and I'm here with Brent Sobel. As you heard already yesterday, just yesterday.

So today is September 18, Wednesday. We are recording out of the Monday, because Monday day we were in Chicago. Well, you're already always in Chicago. I was also in Chicago for the Sopal foundation golf event. So just tell us how you feel right now.

With my hands.

Okay. I don't know why.

Like a child. Like, I think that's so funny. You've said that, like, a million times. Clearly, we are both punchy. No, you know, it's.

I think I did. You know, I think I did on my post yesterday. You know, it. I'm still kind of. I'm.

You know, we call it the pink cloud effect when you first get sober. Oh, you're right in the plank. You know, the pink cloud, because everything's so amazing. I think I'm still riding the pink cloud. Probably is the first time in my life that I've been surrounded by that many people that I felt loved.

Yeah, obviously. Many years. It took many years to get to know yourself and grandma, but I don't think I've felt that much loved by that many people in the same place at the same time that ever. For me, so. Still kind of riding that, you know, that wave.

Yes, I love that. And there was so much love and so much happiness and I. And everyone asking questions, which I, you know, I. How I love. A good question, curious George.

But just so many people. Should we sell that a curious George hat in the new merch? Drop that. We have Oxford. You know, just like you.

Foundation with a curious George hat. Maybe curious George is riding a unicorn. Oh, Jesus. There's a t shirt that's going to be made, for sure. But it really was.

There were so many people that were curious that, you know, didn't have dyslexia, that asked questions. There were some parents that came up to, you know, it was awesome because Hahn got to go catch off. But it was so awesome to have Hahn there and, you know, to meet him personally for the first time and what he's endured in. And I've got to watch that transition, not only him yourself, but your family. So it was amazing to have him there.

Yeah. No, and he was so happy to have met you and Elizabeth and family and then meet Hahnny, which was really fun for you guys, also to meet Hahnny in person. I mean, we had so much fun. So much fun. Elizabeth and Hahnny and their selfie train.

And as I was buying frames, I was, like, the worst person in history to go into a store and pick out some design or something. Two assholes leave, you go in there, and they're. Meanwhile, they're in the car taking pictures with that mini stick. I'm like, what is this? What kind of sense does this make?

So, yeah, and I think I texted them three times, is this frame okay? Why am I the worst person? I have no sense. And they couldn't respond because they're too busy taking selfies. Oh, my God, I love it.

I love it. But it was. There was, like, parents that came up and asked questions like, you know, how do you navigate this? And then one of the really cool questions that we got was, Hahn and I were talking to Kenny, actually, and when Hahn went to go to do something, I forget, but Kenny said, can I ask you how your husband is with your dyslexia and your son's dyslexia? That's a house of dyslexia.

And I said, it might even grow, but we won't go there. And I said, it really is interesting because I think every family is different, right? Every family. Hahn was not aware of any learning disability, ADHD, anything until he met me. And he's like, I feel like everyone has it, so.

And maybe it was around. They just didn't talk about it in his world. Well, and, you know, just throw it in there. Talk about. They didn't know about what to talk about, so.

Yeah, yeah, no, totally. So it was. It was really cool to be able to just have so many different conversations, but the curiosity. And then let's just take it to you and Elizabeth with the. That golf cart, the chippepotimus golf cart.

You guys were like, I mean, that was so freaking cool. Yeah. You know, everybody. You know, actually, I just talked to. Talked to a guy today.

He's like, your golf cart's awesome. I'm like, that wasn't my golf cart. So from the list for the list is one of the sponsors, chapotomus. They make design golf shirts. They brought a golf cart with all wrapped in Chicago blackhawks logo, big speaker.

So I'm driving around there in this and microphone in it, and music flying, and this thing's flying 100 miles an hour. I forgot to tell them. I don't think I dropped the speaker. I had to go back and pick it up and strap it back on. I think I broke it because that's why I just kept crackling after that.

So I might have to buy the new speaker. Shh. I didn't tell him that. Yeah. Golf course, golf cart.

It was. It was really, really cool. It was really cool. And everyone loved it, too. Like, that was the fun thing.

Like, you got to go and kind of. I mean, let's take everyone through a little bit, some of the details. Cause that's what I think is so special. And I think that's, you know, events like this are run all the time, but I don't know. I mean, how many people came up and not.

And not even just to you, but just, like, I have so many people that have reached out and been like, that literally was the best event. And so I would love for you to take us through some of the details that you did that you're just really good at thinking about. Okay, how can I make this extra special, you know, um.

Grandma, right here, y'all. Yo. Obviously best progey pizza in the house, you know, you know, with the golf ball. Yeah, I was one of them. You always, if you have a million things to pick from, or even if you have two and you can only pick one, how do you differ from that other person or that other event?

And, you know, for me, from the foundation is, you know, how do we get recognized? How do we stand out in front of everybody? There's, like you just mentioned, there's millions of golf events all summer long. You know, how do you. How do you do it?

Is that with some deal with some celebrities, some deal with gifts, you know, and I tried to do the combination of all of them, but the biggest thing that I have found is there's not a lot of interaction once you start golfing with a lot of people. Part of that group, you know, is that, you know, is that a found, you know, is that, you know, the SopA foundation or, you know, is that whatever event you're at, you start golfing and, you know, there's a cargo comes around, gets drinks. But that's where I wanted a lot of contact. You know, every hole, every other hole was somebody with the foundation, somebody that's dyslexic. You know, obviously, we had some of the slexicids, you know, driving around with on the golf carts, telling them stories, and.

Thank you. You know, obviously, one of the dyslexic traits on every. You know, I had one gentleman come up to me, and he was knew he's a banker, so he's like, I'm a numbers guy. He goes, but I want to tell you, I, you know, on every hole for listeners, you know, you, you have a whole sponsor, so you have that company sign there. I had a dyslexic trait statistic.

On every single hole, a different one. So, you know, when you're standing there, you're talking or waiting, you know, that was there so that you could learn what this is about, what dyslexia is a nutrient. And the gentleman came up to me, said, brent, I got to tell you, I took time, every single hall to stand there and read every one of your signs because I was more blown away. Each and every sign that I read the statistic, like, to the point where I'm like, this can't be true. But I took the time.

And thank you for putting that out there. Obviously, being a numbers guy, it played to play to me, but I just couldn't believe how staggering some of these numbers were. So obviously, it was very nice of him to come up and say that, you know, it was just, I really wanted people to leave there with a great experience, but to learn a lot and in a fun way. You know, I'm always on here laughing and joking and make fun of myself. If we have fun, then we're gonna learn.

And how do we differ ourselves? And, you know, you tell me, I guess, from Hahn's point of view, because Hahn likes golfing, right? He's got to do a lot. He was just in LA for company, for work. So what did he say from his perspective of a businessman, you know, as a guy who likes golf, you know, in those two aspects?

Well, he said he loved all of the different things that, like, happened on each, you know, on different holes. So he said, you know, like the apparel, he's like, you know, you don't see that. He's like, that was really cool. The shotgun thing, the long drive, like he said, the long drive guy, he's like, he was awesome. He was.

He was phenomenal. So much fun. He was out of control. I mean, dude, I got to take me three shots to hit what you just hit upside down in a cartwheel. And he was a phenomenal.

Yeah, he said he was really cool. And even the, the, you know, he brought someone that he works with and their husband, and they said the same thing. They're like, that was just fun. Like, it was fun, but it was also learning. And you could just feel the passion.

You could feel that people were there to support. And he's like, you don't get that a lot. You know, you get like people that will come for events. Cause they're like, oh, you know, it's a company thing or whatever. Like it was truly where they were like listening, especially when you were talking and it was just like, okay, you know, I thought that that was.

He's like, it was different because as you said, he's gone to a lot. He's like. But like a good different. Like a good different where it was like, oh, what's happening next? Like, oh, this is really cool.

Like, you know, typically, you know what happens at golf events, you know, and so this was like, yes, you know what's going to happen, but there's like a little surprise. Yo. And you know me, um, you never know what's coming. What's that, grandma? Oh, yes, you know the veterans.

Yes, that was very cool. You know, I think that obviously started things off right. And, you know, um, again, they wouldn't sacrifice their lives, so, you know, to, to thank you. To thank them. Yo, you know me as a listeners, if you're, if you tune in there, you never know what I'm going to say and why I'm going to say, but there's always a reason to why I say it and I want you always to be surprised, you know?

You know, cuz I'm more of a trend setter when it comes to fashion, not a trend follower. What are you laughing at? You know, but it's, it's annoying. Kenny said something to me that I've never had anybody. He was, you're like my golden retriever, all hearts.

I'm like, no, I'm dog. But it was so true, though. But it was so cute, you know, I guess cute's not the right word, but it was, it was pretty amazing how he kind of set, you know, how he kind of said that. I've never kind of heard it that way. Well, but that's the thing.

And that's where you are so misunderstood as you've talked about, because you are all heartland. You wear your heart in your sleeve and anyone that knows you knows that. But people from the outside perception might not know that. And we've talked about this. I think this was an email that you actually got after one of your videos.

Someone that played in the league with you was like, I always thought you were an asshole. And I actually still kind of chip on my shoulder because of you. And after I saw that video, I just let it go. I'm sorry, dude. I actually completely mis categorized you and to his defense and, yeah, thank you.

I gotta respond to him, I probably was an asshole, and I probably was out of line no matter what I did back then, that was. As much as I'm misunderstood today, I was even more misunderstood back then because I didn't understand myself. So if I can understand myself, how is he supposed to understand me? So guaranteed he was. He had all right to be.

I'm sure I was. You being an asshole. And I deserved what he said and what he thought. And that's why we do what I do. The more understood we have ourselves and who we are and what we are and what is going on, the more other people can understand us.

Yeah. Okay, so I'm going to say one thing. You're like a little person. What did you think I was going to say? You're like tiny.

It's like you're going to move your finger. Thank you. There's nothing wrong with being little. No, but you look. Grandma, grandma, literally, we've got a king size bed that is the size of a single bed because we just sleep on here.

Right. I'm like, right. You know what? You can get compact. I'm gonna.

What did I say today? I said, I'm gonna create the first ever coaster bed holder. Because her nightstand, she can't reach it. She's so far on my side. But so you can put your drink on the bed and won't spill because it's a coaster.

Because. Yeah, that's a good one. Okay. So what was your face? Did you think I was gonna say something else?

I had no idea where you're going with it, as I normally do. No clue. Yeah. Oh, good. I like that.

I keep you on your toes, but that was, like, a really interesting thing. But I think that is something that is so apparent when people get to know you, is that you are all heart and you really. You just want to help and you want kids to be understood, so. And you want people to be understood because you don't want someone later in life to say to a kid, oh, I thought you were an asshole. Cause you want them to be able to understand themselves and people know they're present.

Now, there are people that are assholes. That's fine, but you're not one of them, you know? And I'll define defend those assholes. I don't know. Too many people just woke up to be an asshole.

How did they get there? Right? There's always a story behind there, and nobody takes that second to find out what that story is. And yo. Oh, my God, you actually care.

We kind of give the old puppy dog, tilt of the head. Oh, my God. He's asking something that most people has never, ever asked. You know, um, like I said, that was for me to cry. Fuck was that shit?

We got to talk about that. I was gonna say, somebody put my food. I didn't even get a chance to eat. I should. We did.

Could we talk about how good those churros were? Did you have a churro? I did not have a churro. What? I know.

I'm sorry. Grandma stuffed a couple of those down my throat, like, oh, my God, those things are unbelievable. But she said that? Yes. That was the only time I ate, but it was.

I don't know why. I don't know how I cried. Did you film that? I did. I did, and I have.

I filmed everything. I was actually so on point, I was like, oh, my God. Okay. Oh, wait, something's happening. I gotta get on.

I actually got. I got everything, which I was really proud of myself. You were. You were a social media. You were.

Everybody was. Everybody was amazing. From all the volunteers, from start to finish the course, it just ended up being super, super on point, perfect for everything. Well, it was easy and flowy. I mean, it was.

I don't know that flowy. It was easy and it flowed, I guess, just as not flowy, but everything really did. And, you know, I wasn't in the, like, I mean, I'm sure there's, like. You know, in any event, there's, like, the underbelly of where the stuff happens, and then everyone at the top doesn't see it. Right.

There's always stuff happening. But the. And I don't think it was that case. Like, it really just, like, you guys did such a great job of every last detail. I mean, with Elizabeth, with the, like, the lists and, you know, and I know that there was a lot of collaboration and stuff, but it was like, we should.

We can't forget this. We can't forget that there probably wasn't too much stuff that was like, you know what? We need to. Let's. We're going to change that next year because that doesn't work.

That's how every event works. You always think, okay, how can I make that better? What can I do? And it's going to be like. It's going to be awesome to see what happens next year.

Because this, again, everyone was like that. Everyone left. So I don't think everyone wanted to leave, either. Like, everyone was like, let's just hang out and stay. Well, you loved the company, you know, and most golf events you know, when.

If you golf, you know, um, you finish golf, you go eat and leave. A lot of people never even stay for that dinner. And I think we had least three quarters of people. Stay, go. I had a couple people say, sorry, I gotta run and get my kids, or I'd get home for this.

My wife's gotten this event, or whatever it is. But for the most part, I think we had most of the golfers. You know, we were sold out, 144. I think we had at least 100 golfers. Stay and eat.

I feel like more than that, but we know how I am with math and picking out frames. We all have our strengths, so let's talk about that. I actually had to do. There was one point I was using the little square thing, calculating in my head, and I was like, oh, fuck. This reminds me of my first job where my cash registers.

The owner was like, why is yours constantly over or under? I was like, sorry, hope. I'm making it up. It was so. But I think a lot.

I mean, most people wanted to stay, and I think that's why you probably got emotional, because you felt the love. And it was also, like, all of the work that you put into it. You were so happy with the turnout. I mean, the weather was spectacular. Yeah, Mother Nature was bang on.

It was a beautiful day. But it was just trying to be different and separate from myself, or I shouldn't say myself, our golf event, from everybody else, you know? And that's. You've heard me say this time and time again, how are we different? How are we different than this foundation?

How are we different? And that was my goal, to do some different things. And even the golf course said to me, he's like, I work here. I've been doing this. I saw some things that I've never seen in my lifetime.

Yeah. I mean, even the kids talking. I mean, that was beautiful, Hahn. But one of the things that. And I'm sure you, like, think about it or not, but, like, when Peyton was talking and she was getting choked up, like, I got choked up when you were mad at me.

So I don't know if she got choked up or she was just mad at me. No, she got choked up when she was like, well. Cause she was like, oh, my God, I have to talk. I know she was thrown, but you went and stood next to her. I.

Like, no one else did. No one. Like, you went and put your hand on her shoulder, and when you did that, you just felt her anxiety go down, and she was able to get out, like, three sentences and I don't know if you were as aware, like, me filming it, I could see. And the whole time I'm like, oh, someone needs to stand her. And literally, as that went into my head, you were, like, right there with your hand and just settling or, like, it's okay.

And then you knew when to sweep in and take the microphone. Like, you did it so perfectly that, because, you know, you know, for October, the Stanley cup dinner, she's been working on a speech. I know, and that's why I'm like, I don't want her to trip up on you. Start using some of the speech. So I'm like, all right.

You got your. So the kids were amazing, you know, Logan, you know, it was, it was good, you know, and it was, it was good from start to finish because the volunteers were great, you know, can't do it without them. It was just, how do we, how do we separate ourselves from everybody else? And I think we did a pretty good job of it. Yep.

I agree. So let's talk about if people want to go see pictures, they can go to the website under events. I don't. You. You tell me.

You. And you're the social media guru. I don't know about. It's a guru. Yeah, we had, obviously, we had a couple.

Couple people. Um, obviously, uh, lady on the first hit, Jamie and Campanelli, um, took pictures, you know, obviously for me, as many golf events that I've ever been a part of, I've never had a picture. Yeah. As a group and get it in the same hole. Right.

That's really cool. Did Hahn. Did Hahn say anything about that? Yeah, he thought that was really cool. Like, I've never had that.

She's like, I'm like, what? You know, I've gotten later. There's been times where I've gotten it at the dinner. Whatever for? But I've never gotten immediately, you know, obviously, she got some pretty cool shots of, you know, of, you know, Peter and Juliet when they came and then Elizabeth and I and some great shots.

Some pretty cool shots. Then, obviously, Adam, you know, coming in from Detroit to. To take the action shots, the live shots. So I think both links are going to be on the website. Is that right?

Well, we're going to do what we're going to do. Elizabeth and I talked about, we're going to have Adams on the website, and then we're going to be sending out to, like, individuals, jamies, and just like, as, you know, like a thank you and doing it that way because that will they'll be able to get it there. And then the action ones, they can go and download and purchase and stuff like that, which is going to charge $10, um, per picture, which he's going to donate back to the foundation, you know, so for him to, um, spend his time and come out here and I don't even know. I told you. So we put him up with the west, and he's like, Westin.

He's like, asshole. Why'd you spend so much money? I didn't mean this circle eight was good for me. He goes, wait. Wait till I see.

I'm going to slap you. Yeah. Just making it, like, sound like it's some five star. No, you don't. You know, you drove from Detroit here, you know, four to 5 hours.

You spent the money on the gas, you know, didn't charge us for anything. You know, the foundation, you know, we at least they can do. Put you up in a Westin. Right, right. No, he was a great guy.

And he got a lot of the, like, silent auction stuff. I mean, that again, the silent auction, which was on the website for a little bit. Do you want to talk about kind of your thoughts on that? And then how that went? That was so fucking cool.

Yeah. You know, it's, again, being different. How do I differ? How do we differ from everybody else? How do you get more exposure?

So, you know, obviously, all the live, you know, the silent auction, there's two portion. The silent auction had somebody else send a buddy coming in, Neil, with elite merchandise. Oh, he was coming in, so all the frame juries and stuff. He was coming a little bit later. So everything you could bid on there, you know, write, and write your bid down there.

But for us, for the foundation, I wanted more exposure. Put it online. And I think four or five items from that online were bought by people that weren't even at the event. Yeah, best one was Elizabeth, uh, cousin there. Yeah.

Him and his wife were bidding on the same thing, so he was there golfing, so excited about being there. There was this awesome decanter and two glasses with the foundation logo sandblasted into there. He wanted it so much, but his wife is at home bidding on it, and she's raising up the price purposely on him. But texting Elizabeth on the side of. Yeah, so there's, the two of them are joking.

And still right now, to this day, he doesn't know that she won it. Right. He's like, she's like, it's, you know, obviously it's for charity, so I don't care what? Rising up the price. It's for you.

It's for you. It's for Brett. But they were negotiating again, and he still doesn't know. So maybe sometimes this weekend, we're gonna go and knock on the door when we know we're both there and hand delivered. He's gonna be so pissed.

But it was that kind of interaction or Keith, you know, Keith Wagner, he bought something, and he wasn't there. So it was to get more people involved that couldn't be there. Not everybody can be there. Not everybody. As you know, we.

We don't just do Chicago. We do the world. So there are some. There are some people bidding online from you, from Europe, you know, from Canada, from different places. So that was trying to find ways to get more exposure for the foundation but have more people feel like they're involved.

Right. And you. But you also, like, like, the elite framing. Like, you also have, like, some really cool small businesses with really cool stories that worked with you to do some stuff. I mean, like the sticks, the putters, like, you had some, like, really special touches that I think, again, are very unique.

And the fact that you were, like, staying with, like, really cool local companies that also. Or, like, we want to work with you more. Right. I mean, the apparel there. So many things that, you know.

And you just mentioned the putter. Yeah. He made three putters with my shaft game, used hockey sticks, which were super cool. I talked to him today. He's collaborating with another company for something cool for the October event.

Oh, good. Yeah. So that's gonna be super cool. I got something in my head that I even talked to him about. But, you know, everybody's important.

I don't care who you are. You know, we talk about this.

Politics don't come in our way. Everybody bleeds red. Right. Everybody cries. Doesn't matter what color, what race, what religion, you know, just want everybody to feel included and loved and appreciated a lot of the things that I never did and got in my life.

So those small businesses are working hard, so just some really good people. And you've tumbleweeded a lot of great dyslexics, a lot of great people. And it's trying to grow that organically and the right way. Taking time takes time to understand people, but I can't understand people. I didn't understand myself.

And, you know, I gotta thank you, obviously. Thank you for coming into my life and, you know, Elizabeth, help me understand myself and be okay with myself to build to here and put on this event. Yeah, well, it's I mean, again, it's all those. All those unicorny things that happen in the universe that made it happen. I mean, seriously, it was like, you know, because there was a couple people that asked.

They're like, how did you. How did. Wait, where did you come from? You came from New York? And I was like, yes, I actually, I did there.

But you're from New Jersey. How did. Are you a Chicago fan? I was like, no, I actually don't even watch hockey. They're like, what?

Sorry, it's just. You just watch hockey. You know exactly where I'm going with this. Oh, yeah. Hahnny dying.

Well, why is there an indHahn. Why is there an indHahn head on the front of this? Wait, what? We had our conversation afterwards. She goes, oh, my God.

They must think I'm the biggest idiot.

I go, Hahnny. I go, it's the logo. Like, the flyers logo, which I have to say, back in the day, I was a flyer like, ilka sin asalo. I think I told you I had a poster up. Can you please.

Yeah, right. Oh, my God. Hang on a second. You loved. You're in love with ilca sin asalo.

Then you want to name your dyslexic son Montgomery. Like, I think there's some child abuse that started at a young age, but that was like, my hockey in my middle school years. And so the flyers. I said to her, I was like, Hahnny, like, the flyers, like the flyer, like the logo. And she was like, oh, wait, is this on all their jerseys?

And I was like, I think it was. That's what that is. She looked it up. She goes, oh, my God. And she goes, they always think I'm such a dummies.

And I go, no, I think it's actually super entertaining because it's like, we're, like, too oblivious, right? It has nothing to do with, like, the reason why we want to help the foundation has nothing to do with that. Brent was in the NHL. We're like, the two clueless. Like, me getting the frame that dinner.

Imagine if the two people, or the four people sitting next to us, if they were sitting there, they were still sitting where they left. They're probably listing these four morons. It was so, so funny. But, yeah, so that made me laugh so hard. But so, yes, I was explaining to people, they're like, so how?

And I was like, it's very random, but it clearly was supposed to. I interviewed him for, you know, because of my first podcast, whatever, and then I was like, I need to help. And then I was explaining, I was like, and I, like, texted nicely, I think we should start a podcast. And he was like, fuck, now. And I was like, oh, what?

And then I couldn't stop thinking about, I need to help the foundation. Like, I really. I'm in the weeds with this, and I want to be able to help with some of the stuff. And, yeah, so that was. I mean, that was, like, pretty entertaining all around.

And then the fact that then I started working for vet tech and Hahnielle's dyslexic, and it's like, oh, wait, here's another dyslexic. And that she could come in and see everything. And then her with the apparel, she's like, oh, my God, this is. Well, with her sister. She's like, Felix, fellas, like, and her sister's like, I can't.

What are you. So, like, they're going to be. She's got no sensory issues. Well, isn't the thing. First thing that all of us did, I mean, even Elizabeth, we're like, oh, it's so soft, the four of us.

If there was a gopro on my hat, I'll begin the conversations that went on. And, yeah, yeah, it was super fun, but, yeah, so that made me die laughing. But, I mean, it is so random, but then makes so much sense. And that's what is beautiful about the whole thing, because it was divine timing. And I hate, again, not hate, because I love that, but, like the unicorny thing.

I mean, it really was divine timing. It was meant to happen. And it's one of those things where I say to people all the time, like, if you have something that you keep thinking about, don't keep trying to stuff it and be like, oh, whatever. Like, ask, right? I asked you.

I was like, he might be like, no, crazy lady. I'm like, which you did. And then I was like, well, wait a second. Straight, hard. But you gotta start with your I asked him nicely.

Bullshit. You stalked the shit out of me. So let's just call a spade a spade here, okay? You want to call it that? You could call that.

I'm gonna go back through the text. No, no, you. If that makes you sleep at night, then that's fine. You're like, yeah, no. I was like, what do you mean no?

Why? Why are you saying no? Well, you know, is because in my life, everybody's wanted things, want things one, right? You had no idea, right? You're like, oh, God, here comes what somebody else take.

What do they want from me, you know? And I've. I've given. I've given. And that's why I've been, you know, screwed over.

That's why I don't trust a single person. Right. And how many times it happened during the course of year and how many things at, you know, with the golf event, you know, Rom. Right. Everything happens, but, you know, I had to proceed with caution and see.

See what the stalker's all about. No, but you do. Right. And I didn't like, of course, again, because I'm, like, oblivious to that. I don't think about it, but.

Right. It's like, yeah, no, he probably. This happens all the time. Like. But then you will realize, okay, she's crazy, but not, like crazy crazy, like, kill her crazy.

She's just crazy. But that is. I mean, it is. It's. It's the whole year.

The whole year and a half. However long it is, it is all just built up for all of it. And then the fact that you and Elizabeth can do this together with the knowledge that you have and then watching her at the event, I was so happy. Killed it. She was.

She was first star out of the whole event. She knocked it out of the park with everything. And, you know, to have her sit there and watch, you know, me go nuts for the last six months, because those details were important to me. And crackly, I'm not wrong. I think those are.

Those are the details that separated us, you know, on Monday from any other event. But she was. She was spectacular. Yeah, she really was. And just watching her in it was just really beautiful, too, because, like, so calm, was so organized with it all was like, you know, and she said, I think she said to me a couple, you know, last year, two years ago, I wouldn't have been able to, like, do this.

She's like, it's just been, like, it flowed. It's like, in a flow, like, it was perfect. It looked like she'd been doing, you know, it looked like she'd been planning 100 and 5300, 400, 510,000 people advance. You knew exactly what to do and how to do it, how to say it, how to deliver it. She was.

She was bang on, just spectacular. She was. And calm and cool and, like, so happy. The two of you were so happy. So it was like, it was just.

It was really awesome to be on the sidelines watching what, you know, since I've been behind the scenes, seeing it unfold and then just having it go as perfect as it did was just. It was really special. Yeah. You know, and yo, we talked about this earlier, is I wanted every. Everything done, all the details I wanted everything done the week before so everybody could enjoy it.

Mm hmm. You know, all the last minute things rushing that day, as you know, you kind of mentioned, there's always behind the scenes things. There wasn't a lot of that because I wanted to. That was the number one thing for me to avoid is those behind the scene things that I could control that didn't have to, so that everybody could enjoy. It didn't matter if you're a volunteer.

It didn't matter who you were, if you're playing, if you were. Oh, I didn't. This wasn't done, or this wasn't. That's why, you know, I think you now you saw it is why I was going nuts the last month, is to try and avoid that nuts ness on that day so everybody can enjoy it. Yeah.

You did an awesome job. So let's talk a little bit about October, and then we'll wrap this up. But, um, we have another event. Talk about sex, baby. Let's talk about you and me let's talk about all the crazy things that we like to be.

Let's talk about sex. I think those are the exact words. Probably not. It sounded like they were. I want to say they were the exact words.

I was very. The sex part was the only right word I probably got out of that whole thing. Well, it was a good rhyme. You got a really good rhyme there. But.

So October 18 in Chicagoland, which makes me laugh every time I say it. I think when I said to Hahn, he's like, did you just make that up? And I was like, no, this is what they say outside of Chicago is called Chicagoland. He's like, oh, I've never heard that. I was like, because we're not from Chicago.

So it's. Chicagoland is Long island. Right. Okay. Right.

Obviously, there's a different, you know. You know, when I lived in Garden City, everybody, everybody, you know, Susie, cross over that bridge. It's Long island. Am I correct? Yeah, exactly.

No matter if your Montauk or your garden city. So, you know, same kind of thing. Because the big joke is, you know, Naperville. Naperville is about, I think it's like, 25, 30 miles from here. And the biggest.

Don't. Don't tell me you're from Chicago when you're from Naperville. So you can't say you're from New York. And that's what people get all pissed. They're like, what part of like.

And then if you're like, long island, they're like, that's not New York, exactly. Well, it is, but. Yes. Right. It's not just when you say New York, people think the city.

So. Yeah, 100%. So it is in Chicagoland on the 18th and the Stanley cup is going to be there, which is incredible. And the planning has already started and I cannot wait for that. I mean, it's gonna be fun.

It's a cocktail, right? What do we decide? Cocktail attire? Yeah, cocktail attire. Whatever the hell that means.

I don't know. The planning. Yeah, the planning's already started. I'm already losing my mind already. You took a breath for a second and then it's like, okay, now, so.

And October dyslexia awareness month is coming up. So trying to plan some things with some local businesses there, you know, trying to drive some awareness there. On top of that event. On top, yeah. So on top of.

Yeah, all the stuff, you know, obviously the foundation. Partner up with NHL charity Foundation. They're the ones that have allowed us to have the Stanley cup that day on that, you know, October 18. Pretty amazing them for them to do that. So blessed to have that, you know, that relationship and that partnership and bring back the Stanley cup for the first time.

And I think it's nine years since it's been in the area and, you know, the Stanley cup is not something that just. Yeah, can I have that? No, you know, that's not. That's not how it works. You know, I want it.

My name's on it. You know, there's hundreds of millions of people that want to see it. So, you know, the foundation just so blessed that we were able to make that, you know, that partner, you know, I wouldn't call it, you know, partnership, that relationship with Rob, to be able to have that and make it another unique, special event and trying to be different than other. Other events or no matter if it's a black tire or a golf event or, you know, a bike relay or whatever that is or a walk. Just trying to separate ourselves and do things a little bit different.

Yep. Because we are different.

So if you guys want more information. Yes, so the five ds, right? And so, yes, if you guys want more information on that, you can go to the website soplefoundation.org. you can go to Brent's instagram. You can go to the Soapol Foundation Instagram.

But there's more information on getting tickets. Now. You cannot buy tickets directly from the website right now because if we did that, it would go like crazy. So if you do know of people that love the Stanley cup, love kind of events like this. Love supporting charities, and you're looking for something to be like, hey, I want to do something.

As Brent said, October is dyslexic awareness month, and it's a. That's a really special way to give back to a foundation that. That's all the. All the, you know, that's. That's what we're doing.

We're creating community, which. We have some really fun stuff coming up. I know Brent just mentioned the five d's. Do you want to say what they are? Do you want me to say what they are?

Please. Ladies first. Okay. Age before beauty.

I think. I think that's all encompassing there. So we were saying four ds for a very long time, and so we apologize to people that have dyspraxia. Yes, because we both do not have dyspraxia. And so we weren't thinking of that until I saw a post and I was like, oh, my gosh.

You know what? I didn't hear a lot about dyspraxia. And so we are doing the five ds. So that's dyslexia, dysgraphia. Dyscalculia, or dyscalculia is, I think, the terminology way, but.

Dyscalculia, yes. Yeah. Every time I try to say it the other way. Dyspraxia, you know, I have hard. That's a hard one.

And. Well, maybe we do have dyspraxia. Um, and then ADHD is the next one, and so we're going to be doing some things around it. You know how we feel about the word neurodiverse. There's so many things that fall on the umbrella and how can you.

You don't know what. What learning style you have, whatever the PC where. What your fucked up ness is, basically. So we're saying the five ds. How many d's do you have?

I think I have three of the five ds. I got four. You have the four of the five ds? We have yet to find someone with five of the five ds, you know, and dyspraxia, there isn't. I know, maybe we do have it, but I've never, you know, met some people, but, you know, not a lot with.

No, when it comes to that. Right. And so we can explain that more. That's for a different episode of word blindness, where we'll break that down. But so that's.

There's going to be something really fun coming around with that. There is a lot of stuff that your proceeds are going to help grow with the foundation, not just awareness but there's a lot of change that needs to be happening. And that man right there is the one that's going to be doing it. Um. Or is it.

No. Yeah, it's that way. Watch. It's going to be flipped in the. So I'm going to go like this.

It's going to be flipped in the second mirror. So that is, again, one of the reasons why I know he is going to be the person that is going to change it. And so all the fun stuff that's happening, some of the not fun stuff, but there is a lot of people behind the scenes, a lot of volunteers getting a lot of information that is going to be very useful for families, people that are going through just learning about dyslexia, learning how to do the iep, learning how to navigate so much, you know, having a child that has dyslexia that's more severe and then maybe missing it in another child, when you think you knew, when you were like, oh, no, I know what I'm doing. And then we're gonna go, it's another episode, right? That might be a lot of, like, more like.

Not just one episode. That might be like 10,000 episodes. Jesus Christ. I'm right here. How can I help you?

So I think that's. That is kind of everything in a nutshell for this Wednesday. Yeah, no, again, I just want to say thank you for everything you've done for myself. Truly blessed the foundation for you and Hahn to come out.

You and Elizabeth do what you did. So it was great. So thank you. You're welcome. And thank you for letting me, because I could just been that crazy lady that you were like, no, you will always go down as a crazy lady, so don't.

Let's just make sure I've been called worse. I'll take that. So, on that note, you guys know what to do. Like, rate, review, and share. You don't know who needs to hear this.

You don't know who is looking for the next fucking golf event next summer. They're like, you know what? I need to add some crazy lady episode, maybe. There's been many of those. So light.

Rave review and share. And we'll see you for another episode of word blindness. Dyslexia exposed.

My focus is entirely on helping you follow your passion, even when you feel like you've got stuck in crazy town. There is a way out, its me helping you. You don't have to ditch everything in your life that is making you feel overwhelmed and stuck, you just need some help to navigate it.


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